The definitive List of Lists, revised 2023 *

* Editor's note: this is not a list of links to the mentioned lists, just a list of the list titles. **

** Editor's further note: To get links to the ensuing lists, please consult the manual '~100 links to waste your time' (physical copy by order only.)

  1. 556 meanings for the word "defenstrate"
  2. 100 things to do if you're anally retentive
  3. 46 ways to please your hermit crab
  4. 12 large types of hat
  5. 4 words beginning with 'p'
  6. 31 numbers greater than 32
  7. 32 numbers greater than (or equal to) 32
  8. 152 reasons why birds can't fly underwater
  9. 44 names for aggressive mosquito larvae
  10. 1 thing to do with a large mallet and a hamster (probably what you'd think)
  11. 487 ways to eat a pizza
  12. 3 items of clothing that you can wear
  13. 17 ways to humiliate your pet dog
  14. 22 species of tape-worm you should avoid
  15. 1 species of tapeworm you shouldn't avoid
  16. 322 food items that will irritate your bowel
  17. 64 ways in which small mollusks and stellar masses are identical
  18. 296 things to make out of your own pubic hair
  19. 3 things not to make a wig out of
  20. 13 flammable Christmas gifts
  21. 6 things that are not good for barbequing
  22. 211 things that you cannot do. Ever.
  23. 66 ways of expressing terror when seeing a banana
  24. 57 fruits to be wary of
  25. 12 reasons why yellow things aren’t for eating
  26. 17 reasons why bananas are "oh so cool"
  27. 57 Ways to Avoid Eye Contact While Eating a Banana
  28. 5 games more boring than monopoly
  29. 8 pieces of definitive evidence that handwriting increases your IQ
  30. 12 heartfelt confessions of fictional characters
  31. 30 good reasons why you should call yourself an executive producer
  32. 2 reasons why humor is bad for the bowel
  33. 20 things that are physically, mentally, morally, and metaphorically impossible
  34. 9 things I bet you can't do
  35. 26 things you don't need both eyebrows for
  36. 18 delicious scrapings from the sole of your shoe
  37. 12 embarrassing ways to make a 30-min presentation without using a single vowel
  38. 14 ways to neaten your handwriting
  39. 3 reasons why "Tickle" is an unfortunate surname
  40. 74 ways to wrestle an enraged tiger
  41. 9 different ways to fold a piece of paper in half
  42. 11 sulfide-free treats for your pet Giraffe
  43. 16 ways to prevent boredom when locked in a box
  44. 32 ways to eat yourself out of a safe
  45. 13 useful ways to avoid a necessary bowel movement
  46. 6 ways to drink sedimentary rock through a straw
  47. 11 fun things to do with a cabbage
  48. 7 commonly used words
  49. 1 way to use the word "extraneous" in a sentence
  50. 150 ways to keep your pants up without a belt
  51. 2 ways to represent mathematical notation in html
  52. 5.1920 12 - 1 ways not to complete a Rubik's cube
  53. 38 legitimate moves for a Rubik's revenge
  54. 4 reasons to fear a piece of paper
  55. 36 reasons why arachnophobia is for sissies
  56. 2 things to do with money
  57. 18 names that you have heard before
  58. 9 ways to confuse your donkey
  59. 14 ways to decrease your concentration
  60. 6 depressing fonts
  61. 2 weak conclusions to science fiction movies
  62. 9 abysmal names for a science fiction movie
  63. 12 atrocious dialogue exchanges between characters in a science fiction movie
  64. 19 insignificant numbers
  65. 18 foods that taste like purple
  66. 14 increasingly confusing questions
  67. 7 illogical abbreviations
  68. 32 dessert recipes for disaster
  69. 40 ways to confuse your guests with cutlery
  70. 1080 ways to express anguish with your pinky-finger
  71. 1 way to direct your frustration with your middle finger
  72. 12 tips to keeping clean without water
  73. 150 better ways to draw a rubber tube
  74. 6 ways to play a piano without using hands or feet
  75. 5 ways to hide the fact that you have set yourself on fire
  76. 2 cars slower than a supersonic jet
  77. 9 sharp objects that stimulate blood-clotting factors
  78. 37 incentive ways to talk yourself into a hostage situation
  79. 18 morally depraved ways to relieve guilt
  80. 6 brands of furniture that repel urine
  81. 4 commonly misspelled science fiction alien names
  82. 14 entertaining things to do with several rodents, in a bag
  83. 6 simple DIY guides to regurgitation
  84. 14 fascinating ways to relieve writer's cramp
  85. 66 ambiguous, rhetorical, nonsensical, irrelevant, and unfortunate answers
  86. 33 methods to embarrass your postman
  87. 16 ways to manage the stress of the surprise absence of toilet paper
  88. 14 ingenious ways to pass wind at a dinner party
  89. 17 unusually suspect answers to the question "What are you doing?"
  90. 10 Conspiracy Theories About Missing Socks
  91. 101 Ways to Greet Your Neighbour's Pet Rock
  92. 65,536 Made up colours
  93. 1100101 uses for binary code
  94. 142 infinitely better ways to spend your time